A few of you have asked where I get my information on Science and Astronomy. I know Astronomy is a Science, I list it separately because I spend 2/3 of my reading time on Astronomy alone. There are many great websites and blogs on the Internet. Many of them will be linked on www.possum-holler.com still scheduled to go online soon.
One that I like in particular is Space Daily. They send out daily e-mails on on the latest space science news, www.spacedaily.com. Check it out.
The website and blog I’ve read the longest is Dr. Phil Plait’s, www.badastronomy.com, now a part of Discover. I was on his e-mail list before blogs were around and read his newsletters. DON’T be fooled by the name Bad Astronomy, he’s passionate about Science, especially Astronomy and is a well known Skeptic. The name Bad Astronomy is a play on words. His first book is called Bad Astronomy, where he debunks all kinds of anti-science gibberish, especially the moon landings. It’s amazing to me that so many people believe we never went to the moon. They are easily fooled by anti-science nonsense and Phil does an excellent job explaining why they are wrong and how we, as a nation, achieved this remarkable feat. I strongly recommend his book to anyone. I will occasionally steal ideas from his blog like the post showing the Science/Astrology picture on the post Anti-Science HaHa.
His second book I purchased last month, an autographed copy from The James Randi Education Foundation, www.randi.org, – Death From The Skies. This book details ways the world could end, from Gamma Rays to Asteroids explained in laymen terms. I haven’t read it yet, but it has received good reviews and with his sense of humor should be excellent reading.
The reason I thought to let you all know about Phil is his latest post says he will be in Phoenix today. No, I’ve never met him and don’t know why he’s here. Mere mortals like me just stand in the shadows and suck out all the fascinating information from scientists. It just keyed into my brain to let you know about him.